Sentiers du Patrimoine ®


Moulin sous l’Eglise

Informations directionnelles

Face au moulin, remonter l'allée et arriver à l'église Saint-Quentin par la rue de la Croix-Boissière. Monter vers le cimetière jusqu'à la plaque faisant référence au film "Pieds nus sur les limaces".

Prochain point :

Pieds nus sur les limaces

Prochain point : lat="49.09554" lon="2.18967"

Mill below the church
A former gristmill



Producing wheat flour...

Before the Revolution, the church mill, as it used to be called, belonged to the Rouzé family of millers near Valmondois. They extended the property by buying a garden attached to the priory, which was sold as national property in 1791.

In the nineteenth century, it was still an imposing gristmill, two storeys high with an attic at the top and several buildings to either side of the Sausseron. Only a small part remains today.

The different floors of this type of mill usually had different functions. The attic was where the sacks of grain were hoisted up and the contents poured into the hopper, which fed the millstones on the floor below. The millstone was turned by an ingenious gear-wheel system driven by the water wheel. On the floor below, the milled wheat was collected and passed through a bolter, a kind of rotating sieve that separated the bran from the flour. After that, all that remained was to bag the valuable merchandise.



... Since the eighteenth century

The church mill was sold in 1863 by Antoine Rouzé to Jean-Baptiste Ernest Bazin, who died in 1912, and was apparently the last miller. The building has not been used for milling purposes since then.





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